
Mary Irwin Theatre at Rotary Centre for the Arts 421 Cawston Ave., Kelowna, BC, Canada

Romanian choreographer and filmmaker Simona Deaconescu, and Malagasy dance artist and cultural activist Gaby Saranouffi have created a docufiction performance about a dance that literally made history. Ramanenjana has been described in historical documents as a "choreomania" or "dance epidemic" in which more than 20,000 people danced with supernatural resistance from February to May.

$25 – $45


Black Box Theatre 1375 Water Street, Kelowna, BC, Canada

ALL AGES SHOW - A plastic-bag world where colorful creatures are born and endlessly transform themselves. They fill and empty themselves, they fly, they eat each other, they are bored… They exist. Step by step they reveal their nature. They are primitive, naive and comic, and they look a little bit like us...  



Black Box Theatre 1375 Water Street, Kelowna, BC, Canada

ALL AGES SHOW - A plastic-bag world where colorful creatures are born and endlessly transform themselves. They fill and empty themselves, they fly, they eat each other, they are bored… They exist. Step by step they reveal their nature. They are primitive, naive and comic, and they look a little bit like us...  


Playbook & Living Things Dance Party

Black Box Theatre 1375 Water Street, Kelowna, BC, Canada

PLAYBOOK is an immersive 5.1 sound, music, and text experience, designed to transport the audience to the fluid environment of a library.



Black Box Theatre 1375 Water Street, Kelowna, BC, Canada

ALL AGES SHOW - A plastic-bag world where colorful creatures are born and endlessly transform themselves. They fill and empty themselves, they fly, they eat each other, they are bored… They exist. Step by step they reveal their nature. They are primitive, naive and comic, and they look a little bit like us...  
