Featuring the Branchroot Ensemble, an improvisation-based trio featuring Darren Williams (saxophone), Nicholas Denton Protsack (cello), and Andrew Stauffer (drums). Combining virtuosic skill with musical sensibilities from the worlds of New Music, free jazz, and experimental music, Branchroot Ensemble embraces risk to create spontaneous music that takes listeners to uncharted depths of invention.
Flock of Arts Flocka Flocka Arts performs “improvised experimental electronic music of an atmospheric nature.” The act consists of thereminist Katie Sardinha and modular synthesist Devon Scott-Leslie from Summerland, BC.
Book Now“Our aim to create rich, evolving soundscapes, arising and then passing away from the interplay of accident and intention. When we aren’t doing that, we operate an organic apple orchard overlooking
Okanagan Lake.”